vendredi 28 septembre 2012

Actu. Au pays de Gandhi...

Bientôt l'anniversaire 
de la mort de Gandhi
Et aussi, en Inde,

le début 
de la marche 
Jan Satyagraha 2012.
Qui sera relayée en Belgique.

Ce 2 octobre, 
100.000 paysans sans-terre
du pays de l'Indus
un périple non-violent.
Pour défendre leurs droits.  
Durée: un mois.
Distance: 350 km. 
Jusqu'à Delhi.

En Belgique aussi...

En Belgique aussi, 
une marche sera organisée.
Beaucoup plus modeste, bien sûr. 
Mais l'important, 
c'est de participer. 
«Et si vous veniez 
nous rejoindre...?»
suggère l'organisatrice, 
Emeline De Bouver.
En assistant à la projection d'un film, tout d'abord.
Puis en accordant vos pas aux actions non-violentes du monde.
Rendez-vous, le cas échéant, 
autour du lac de Louvain-la-Neuve. 
Ce même deux octobre.
En solidarité avec les paysans d'Ekta Parishad 
«Cela finit tôt, 
précise notre interlocutrice.
Les enfants sont bienvenus. 
Et on ne fera qu'un tour du lac!
Jai Jagat!

En bref 
«Mini-marche» Jan Satyagraha.
Emeline De Bouver.
Le 2 octobre 2012.
. 17h30: projection du film «La force de la non-violence» (à la Maison du Développement Durable de Louvain-la-Neuve).
. 19h: départ de la Maison du Développement Durable vers le lac et début de la marche, avant un «lâcher» de bougies sur le lac. 
. 20h15: fin de l'événement.
Maison du Développement Durable de Louvain-la-Neuve 
Place Agora, 
Mais encore...
Aline à la Maison du Développement Durable de Louvain-la-Neuve:
. 0(032)10/47.39.69,

6 commentaires:

    V Seminario de Formación
    en Personalismo Comunitario
    5, 19 y 26 de octubre y 2 de noviembre de 2012
    Disertará: Dra. Inés Riego de Moine
    El árbol del personalismo alberga muchos nombres fundamentales y rectores, pero sin
    la presencia de Martin Buber la savia vivificante del pensamiento dialógico por él
    acuñado no correría por sus ramas ni por sus derroteros actuales, faltándole casi lo
    esencial. Cuando hablamos de diálogo, de relación, de encuentro, de ‘yo y tú’, nos
    remitimos siempre a las enseñanzas señeras de este gran pensador y sabio judío,
    creyente y místico, político y maestro personalista comunitario, que legó a la
    conciencia del siglo XXI la coherencia de su filosofía, su magisterio y su vida.
    Cerca de las cinco décadas de su muerte (acontecida el 13 de junio de 1965), la
    humanidad se debe -y le debe- el sueño buberiano de la paz y la fraternidad mundial,
    pero en especial los frutos aún por verse de su lucha por la convivencia pacífica y
    solidaria entre árabes e israelíes convencido que la fe y la projimidad que invocan a un
    mismo Dios constituyen el mayor signo de unidad entre razas, pueblos y naciones.
    Inspirados en el espíritu del diálogo que signó la obra y la vida de Martin Buber,
    abrimos este Seminario que abordará en cuatro módulos los ejes neurálgicos de su
    personalismo dialógico, mostrando el ensamble magistral entre el giro dialógico, la
    antropológica relacional, el humanismo hebreo y el pensamiento personalista.
    Cronograma temático
    Viernes 5 de Octubre (de 18:30 a 21:00 hs.)
    1. El giro dialógico
    1.1. El ingreso del ‘otro’ como ‘tú’ en la filosofía y en la vida.
    1.2. “¿Qué es el hombre?” “¿Quién es mi prójimo?” Los interrogantes de dos tradiciones.
    1.3. La ‘alternativa genuina’: el hombre con el hombre, ser dialógico.
    1.4. Historia del ‘principio dialógico’.
    Viernes 19 de Octubre (de 18:30 a 21:00 hs.)
    2. Fuentes de la antropología personalista, relacional y dialógica
    2.1. La palabra básica ‘Yo-Tú’. La relación interpersonal: el ámbito del ‘entre’ y el ‘encuentro’.
    Distanciamiento y relación.
    2.2. Las relaciones ‘Yo-Ello’: indiferencia, cosificación, violencia. La cotidianeidad: cuando el Tú se
    convierte en Ello.
    2.3. La persona como ‘habitante del amor’.
    2.4. Comunidad y sociedad: el difícil ‘Nosotros’.
    Viernes 26 de Octubre (de 18:30 a 21:00 hs.)
    3. El camino del ser humano: libertad, vocación y respuesta
    3.1. “¿Dónde estás?” Autoconciencia. La persona como llamada y respuesta.
    3.2. “¿Dónde me he puesto a mí mismo?” La relación con uno mismo y con los otros.
    3.3. La elección del ‘camino particular’. Identidad y fidelidad.
    3.4. El camino místico: Dios, el eterno totalmente presente, a pesar del ‘eclipse’.
    Cronograma temático
    Viernes 2 de Noviembre (de 18:30 a 21:00 hs.)
    4. El humanismo hebreo, en la raíz del personalismo comunitario
    4.1. Un recio humanismo creyente, el legado de Martin Buber.
    4.2. La categoría del rostro como revelación, responsabilidad y compromiso. Emmanuel Levinas y
    Emmanuel Mounier, en la huella de Martin Buber.
    4.3. Mensaje a los maestros: el Tú, el Nosotros y la Relación dialógica se desarrollan en la escuela.
    4.4. El devenir trascendente del humanismo hebreo y la crisis del humanismo cristiano, en el umbral
    del personalismo comunitario. Lo hebreo, lo cristiano, lo humano.
    Monasterio San José, Carmelitas Descalzas de Córdoba
    Independencia 158, Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina.
    Asistencia e Inscripciones
    Para asistir se solicitará un alimento no perecedero destinado
    al Hogar Jesús Misericordioso, ex Casa del Linyera, de la
    ciudad de Córdoba.
    Para quienes deseen Certificado, el arancel será de $ 160.
    Se ruega reservar lugar a la dirección electrónica del Instituto Emmanuel
    Mounier Córdoba-Argentina:

  2. Bonjour,

    Nous avons le plaisir de vous adresser la lettre d’information mensuelle de l’asbl TETRA.

    Cordialement, l’équipe TETRA


    Deux nouvelles conférences ont été programmées en octobre:
    - L’âme du monde - Frédéric LENOIR - le jeudi 4 octobre à 20h à l’UCL Woluwé (Bruxelles)
    - Le Cantique des oiseaux d’Attâr - Leili ANVAR - le mercredi 24 octobre à 20h aux Sources (Bruxelles)


    DELTAE - la branche « jeunes » de TETRA - et TERRE & CONSCIENCE co-organisent un « Cycle d’initiatives de transition » dont le but est de réinventer notre façon de vivre en société. En mettant en place, ensemble, des initiatives de transition locales et concrètes (potagers, habitats groupés, réseaux d’échanges, monnaies complémentaires…).
    Nous proposons aux adultes qui souhaitent soutenir ce projet de parrainer un jeune (de 18 à 35 ans) en offrant une place au cycle complet aux prix de 200 € (5 conférences et 10 ateliers). Info: - 0(032)2-771.28.81.
    Ce cycle est également accessible aux plus de 35 ans.




    - Reconnexion à la Source intérieure - Bill CAHEN - les 6 et 7 octobre - Waterloo (Belgique)

    - Danza Duende : les cinq saisons de la vie - Yumma MUDRA - dimanche 7 octobre de 10h à 18h 30 - Woluwé-St-Lambert (Bruxelles)

    - La vie a-t-elle un sens ? - André COMTE-SPONVILLE - jeudi 18 octobre à 20h - UCL Bruxelles

    - Votre voix, chemin de l’âme - Marie-Claude VAN LIERDE - les 20 et 21 octobre - Woluwé-St-Lambert (Bruxelles)

    - La prédiction de Jung : la métamorphose de la terre - Christine HARDY - mercredi 24 octobre de 9h 30 à 13h - Woluwé-St-Lambert

    - Chemins croisés - Thierry JANSSEN et Véronique JANNOT - jeudi 25 octobre à 20h - Bruxelles

    - Le symbolisme du corps humain - Luc BIGE - les 27 et 28 octobre - Woluwé-St-Lambert (Bruxelles)

    - La permaculture : prendre soin de la Terre et des humains - Fabian FERAUX et Pablo SERVIGNE - samedi 6 octobre de 10h à 17h - Le potager à Tervuren (Belgique)

    - Les jardins mandalas, support sacré de méditation - Marc GROLLIMUND - lundi 8 octobre - 20h - Woluwé-Saint-Pierre

    - Construction d'un jardin mandala - Marc GROLLIMUND - mardi 9 octobre - 10h à17h - Le potager à Tervuren (Belgique)

    - Introduction au cycle « initiatives de transition » - table ronde - R. BÖLKE, G. CHAPELLE, F. FERAUX, P. SERVIGNE, H. TER ELLEN… - le 10 octobre - 19h - Maison de Quartier Malibran à Bruxelles.

    - Prendre soin des oiseaux : construction de nichoirs - Jean-François GREGOIRE – dimanche 14 octobre - 10h à 12h30 - Le potager à Tervuren (Belgique)

    - La biodynamie, philosophie du vivant : du potager à l'assiette - Hermann PIRMEZ et Marino du BUS - lundi 15 octobre - 10h à 15h - Le potager à Tervuren (Belgique)


  3. The ICD Initiative on the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" (CPPCG)

    Initiative Goal:

    A Call to Strengthen the Enforcement

    of the United Nations Genocide Convention

    (The Initiative is under the Leadership of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Mr. Janez Janša)

    In the context of the need for an urgent solution in the tragedy currently unfolding in Syria, Mr. Janez Janša (Prime Minister of Slovenia) will present and deliver the Initiative papers on "The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on September 27th, 2012. The Initiative is a “Call to Strengthen the Enforcement of the UN Genocide Convention.”

    We would therefore like to ask for your support in our Initiative by adding your name to the bottom of the letter below, together with a select group of world leaders. Please let us know per e-mail, whether you would be interested in supporting this Initiative, as well as suggestions you may have for other individuals who would be interested in supporting our fight against genocide.

    You can learn more about the Initiative and join us in our efforts by filling out the online form accessible via the following link:

    You can also email us at

    We welcome and encourage your involvement in this noble endeavor.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Janez Janša

    Prime Minister of Slovenia

    Chairman of the ICD Initiative on the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide"

    Mark Donfried

    Director & Founder

    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

    Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
    Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
    Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
    Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
    Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811

    Eric Watteau

  4. The ICD Initiative on the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" (CPPCG)

    “A Call to Strengthen the Enforcement

    of the UN Genocide Convention”

    The recent resignation of the UN and Arab League Envoy to Syria- Mr. Kofi Annan, cited as being due to "the clear lack of unity" of the UN Security Council, coupled with the recent horrific atrocities in Syria, has highlighted the urgent need for the UN to develop an “Enforcement Mechanism” to uphold “The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” ( The Convention was first adopted at the United Nations General Assembly on December 9th, 1948 and went into effect on January 12th, 1951.

    “The Convention” was the first to give a name to an act that shaped the Second World War, and openly confronted the Twentieth Century with its absolute horror. It also laid the groundwork for the definition of the crime by creating a legal framework to guide the work of its prevention through the mechanism of international law. Following the ratification of “the Convention”, the world was supposed to be, in theory, “A World Free from Genocide”. The lack of an “Enforcement Mechanism” of “the Convention”, however, enables the current “no-go situation.” Whilst the international community has developed mechanisms for prosecuting the perpetrators of Genocide, there remains little evidence that it is able to prevent such acts from happening again. Therefore, as a direct result, “Instances of Genocide” and “Ethnic Cleansing” have continued to occur and the world has witnessed a direct increase in the number of atrocities being committed across the world.

    The upmost priority however, before punishing previous offenders of the crime, is to prevent “Acts of Genocide” and other atrocities from being committed in the first place. It is with this aim that the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy ( has launched the Initiative as a continuation of the historic work of Raphael Lemkin.


  5. ./...

    Those who are signatories to this document urge the Member States of the United Nations, regional and sub-regional organizations and the UN system to develop a viable strategy to prevent genocide and other mass atrocities. Moreover, an intergovernmental forum of like-minded countries should be formed to propose a UN Resolution that would set a clear mandate to the international community for preparation and adoption of an appropriate legal mechanism that would enforce the prevention of the crime, thus enabling a rapid response to “Acts of Genocide” and other atrocities.

    Janez Janša
    Chairman of the ICD Initiative on the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide"
    (Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia)

    Signatories: Aegis Trust, Genocide Watch, Stop Genocide Denial Initiative, Charles Adeogun-Phillips - Head of Counsel before Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Ribal Al-Assad - Director of the Organization for Democracy and Freedom in Syria, Dr. Nazar Al Baharna - Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, Prof. Dr. Celio Placer Almeida - Professor Adjunto na Universidade Presbiteriana, Prof. George Andreopoulos - University Professor and Director of the Center for International Human Rights, Rifet Bahtijaragic - Professor of Literature, Journalist, Founder of Nonkilling Balkans Forum, Dr. Gershon Baskin - Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, IPCRI Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, Michael J. Bazyler - Professor of Law and The "1939" Club Law Scholar in Holocaust and Human Rights Studies, Chapman University School of Law, Purusottam Bhattacharya - Professor Of International Relations, Jadavpur University in Calcutta, Indi, Heather Blake - Director, Reporters Without Borders UK, Sonia Boczek - Deputy Secretary General at Gdańsk Security Exercise 2012, Daniela Bozhinova - Chairperson of the Bulgarian Association for the Promotion of Citizens Initiative, Dr. Vito Breda -Lecturer of Law, Cardiff Law School...


  6. ./...

    Dr. Paul Chambers - Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Glamorgan, Wales, Bartolomé Clavero - Professor of the University of Sevilla, Prof. Dr. Maryse Conde - Professor Emeritus of Francophone Literature, Columbia, University, The Hon. President Emil Constantinescu Former President of Romania , Milena Gabanelli - Italian Journalist and TV Presenter, Prof. Dr. Prudencio García - Senior Researcher & Consultant, Fundación Acción Pro Derechos Humanos, Javier Garcia Espinar -President & Founder, Fundación Acción Pro Derechos Humanos, Prof. Dr. A. C. Grayling - Master, The New College of the Humanities, London, John Hemming - Member of the British Parliament, Erna Hennicot-Schoepges - Former Minister of Culture, Higher Education and Research of Luxembourg, Refik Hodzic - ICTJ Director of Communications, Prof. Dr. Ali A. Jalali - Former Minister of the Interior of Afghanistan, Ioannis Kasoulides MEP - Vice-Chair Group of the European People's Party, Stephen Keim - President, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights,; Budapest, Robert Kotroczo - News Director, RTL Klub Lamii Kpargoi - Program Director, Liberia Media Center, Prof. Dr. René Lemarchand - Professor Emeritus of the Department of Political Science at the University of Florida, , Dr. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania, Prof. Dr. Ray Murphy - Interim Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, , Dr. Solomon Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, Dr. Ernest Petrič - Professor of International Law, Member of UN International Law Commission, Amb. Elena Poptodorova - Ambassador, Dr. Jan Pronk - Former Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation, Rachel Pulfer - Executive Director at the Journalists for Human Rights, Prof. Dr. Vasile Puscas - Former Minister for European Affairs of Romania, Zvonimir Paul Separovic - Former Minister of Justice, Republic of Croatia, Amb. Prof. Dr. Cynthia P. Schneider - Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy, Georgetown University and 61st United States Ambassador to the Netherlands , Amb. Uri Savir - Honorary President of the Peres Center For Peace and former Chief Negotiator of the Oslo Accords, Dr. James M. Smith - CEO, Aegis Trust, Greg Stanton - President, Genocide Watch, Dr. Lovro Šturm - Former President of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia, Hon. Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu - Nobel Peace Prize Recipient and Former South African Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa and primate of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa, Robert Valencia - Contributing Writer at Global Voices Online, Marcel H. Van Herpen - Director, The Cicero Foundation, Manuel E. Ventura Robles - Secretary, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Amb. Ranko Vilovic – Ambassador (the complete list of signatories is published at and you are kindly invited to add your name for support).

    Communiqué par Eric Watteau
